Family is one of the most important parts of the Italian culture. Many generations live in the same town or even the same house in some cases. Family ties are very strong between Italians, and sacrifices for family members are made often. Women usually work inside the home cooking and cleaning. They are traditionally expected to take care of the men and children. Much of this is changing as divorce rates rise and women begin to work outside of the home.
The Home
Many Italians own a home, and 70% of Italians live in rural areas. Bigger families own what are called villas. They are larger brick buildings covered with cream colored plaster and topped with red tiled roofs. Villas have many units in it so it can easily accomidate big families. Houses and apartments have vivid colored flowers in the window boxes and create a very welcoming feeling.

90% of Italians are Roman Catholic. Although many do not participate and practice regularly, the Catholic Church is widely respected. Many have found other ways to worship and show their religion. The other 10% of Italians are Jewish, Protestant, or Muslim.

The Arts
All kinds of arts are a great influence and aspect in Italian culture. Italy was the birth place of the Renaissance; an art movement of painters, architects, and sculptors. Italians are famous for their gold and leather crafting. The Italians invented opera, which is highly respected in their society.
Great job providing some information various aspects of Italian culture and what is important to them!